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TIP #11 - How to control Haze phenomena in Privacy Glass

When you chose Privacy Glass you always compromise on full transparency of the glass. Haze, is the kind of fog, which looks like cloudiness, is a result of the light scattering of the Liquid Crystal (LC).

NCAP PDLC technology minimize the Haze and is considered to be the best technology for producing NCAP PDLC. Technological advantages including unique production methods that keep the spherical structure of the LC molecules and minimize light scattering when the glass is transparent (On state).

Haze level can be minimized or emphasized based on the below factors:

Viewing Angle: Haze is minimized to almost not exist when you view the Privacy Glass in 90° and will be emphasized when viewed in 30°. Therefore, you wish to position the Privacy Glass in 90° if application allows it.

Light: Haze is minimized when you have equal light from both sides of the Privacy Glass and will be emphasized when you have stronger light from one side. Light is scattered so you wish to balance the light from both sides. Fluorescent light may reflect flickering effect on the Privacy Glass so you may want to avoid it. Direct Sunlight will emphasize the Haze so it is also not recommended.

Glass Type: Haze is minimized when you chose a tinted glass and emphasized when you go with low iron glass. It is simply because the glass tint absorbs some of the light and therefore it minimizes the light scattering resulted in minimizing the Haze.

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